Blades of Grass
"Blades of Grass" serves as a poignant reminder that our control over life is limited. Originally conceived to revolve around the spectrum of greens, the piece explores the delicate equilibrium between contrasting shades of reds and blues.
In this artistic representation, the interplay of reds symbolizes the challenges and struggles encountered in my journey, while the soothing blues offer a sense of solace and comfort. The juxtaposition of these vibrant hues mirrors the intricate balance required when facing various situations in life.
"Blades of Grass" serves as a poignant reminder that our control over life is limited. Originally conceived to revolve around the spectrum of greens, the piece explores the delicate equilibrium between contrasting shades of reds and blues.
In this artistic representation, the interplay of reds symbolizes the challenges and struggles encountered in my journey, while the soothing blues offer a sense of solace and comfort. The juxtaposition of these vibrant hues mirrors the intricate balance required when facing various situations in life.
"Blades of Grass" serves as a poignant reminder that our control over life is limited. Originally conceived to revolve around the spectrum of greens, the piece explores the delicate equilibrium between contrasting shades of reds and blues.
In this artistic representation, the interplay of reds symbolizes the challenges and struggles encountered in my journey, while the soothing blues offer a sense of solace and comfort. The juxtaposition of these vibrant hues mirrors the intricate balance required when facing various situations in life.